Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Here comes the blog

Welcome to the 90's Mr. Banks...
I've finally done it. I've joined the modern age and gotten myself a blog. When I first heard of the concept, I confess, I just didn't get it. I still can't really explain it. Just last week someone asked me, "What is a blog?" My answer contained a lot of ums, and uhs.

My purpose for this blog is to snag freelance writing jobs. I often apply for them and they ask for a link to my work. I never had one until recently, when I began writing posts for another blog
But that's not a real representation of my work, since it's mostly how to's that don't have much flow. Hence, LoBoatLit was born to give a link for applications. In that spirit, I'm adding my work in the chronological order it was written.

So, tune up the organ, 'cause here comes the blog...

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